In Memory of Jade

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Life doesn’t always make sense. And I’m finding that death doesn’t either.

Jade was only one and one-half years old, and had already lived through hardships that would have crippled the best of us.

jade cute

But I don’t want to talk about the tough life she had. I want to talk about the joy she brought to everyone who knew her.

She was an affectionate little Pocket Pittie who gave love freely to everyone she met. When she’d see you, Jade would wiggle and waggle and wrap herself around you, giving kisses with abandon.

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She’d make you smile even when you didn’t feel like smiling. Her joy of life was irrepressible and totally contagious.

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I’ve been around rescue work long enough to know how I should be thinking about this.

We pulled her from Death Row and didn’t allow her life to end in a shelter.

We put her into loving foster homes, where the people she lived with gave her heaps of love and attention.

She played for weeks in doggie daycare, happily rubbing shoulders with dogs three times her size.

And in the last couple of weeks, she found her soulmate in our wonderful rescue, Rupert. The two were inseparable, spending their days and nights together.

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As a rescue, we gave her all this. Perhaps it was only for three months, but she had it. And I know that’s a helluva lot more than so many shelter dogs ever get.

But what I know and what I feel aren’t always in sync.

While I’m glad we were able to give her all that we did, all that we could … I will forever wish there had been another year, month or even just a week to give her more.

Jade, sweet girl, you have a permanent place in our hearts.

We will always love you. Rest in peace.

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  1. Hi Carin,
    I am so sorry to hear about Jade. I am sitting here crying while I read this.
    Dogs stay with us for such a short time, and some way to short.
    I read once that dogs are with us to show us how to love. I do believe
    they do that. I am so glad that you were able to give her a few months of
    happiness and love. She will always be in your heart.
    So sorry again, for your loss.
    Bonnie Anderson

    Wonton is doing awesome!!! We are just giving him lots of love and he is such a
    joy to have. He has learned to go downstairs and we are working on going up.
    His rash is looking so much better and his ears are doing better also,
    He is even trusting us a little more everyday with picking him up.
    We will be getting him groomed in the next 2/3 weeks and will definitely send pics when
    he does. !!!!!!!

  2. Thank you for the kind words, Bonnie. Jade was a very special little girl. So glad to hear Wonton’s doing great!

  3. Carin,

    We, too, know all too well how short the time is that we have with out pets. We lost out beloved Golden boy, Eli, to lymphoma at just 6 years of age last August. We currently have two rescue Golden’s and a beautiful rescue cat. In the almost 36 years my husband & I have been married, we’ve had 2 cats & 3 dogs that we’re rescues. They are waiting for us on the other side of The Rainbow Bridge.

    I believe Jade crossed over knowing that she was very loved by you and those who were fortunate to have met her. You will never forget her. Just know that she loved you tenfold.

    – Brenda

  4. Thank you, Brenda. I know this will all become less raw as time goes on. And you’re right: She knew she was loved, and we’ll never forget her.

  5. I’m very sorry to hear about your sweet girl Jade, even though I did not know her, her pictures tell me a lot about her demeanor. You are so special for caring for her the way you did. Bless you bunches for giving her the BEST months you could give her. I’m a owner of a Pit Bull and I cannot imagine my life with him. It’s super hard losing one that you work so hard to help and wanting all the best for it, so it may have a great life. I feel for you and I also know that Jade looked very loved. All the best to you! Hope each day gets better for you.

  6. Hopefully one day BSL in every state will be repealed and outlawed, and dogs will be judged on their personality, rather than their looks, or their breed. I fight that fight every day. Thank you for giving her a short time of happiness. The day you see her again, i’m sure you’ll get a big hug, and she’ll say, ‘I’ve been waiting for you!’

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